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��dancing queen Wednesday 2005-04-27 - 9:35 p.m. - +

Series finale

The big news are here. The big news are that I'm leaving Diaryland. Yes.

It's not April 1st.

I never thought this day would come. But I am now at

I hope, really hope, that you nice people will follow me there. Still read me. Still comment. I know I will still read my buddies here. And I will update here to let you know when I have updated by blog. So you can see me on your buddy list. Isn't that nice of me?

No, it's selfish of course. I am scared that I'll go to my blog and be all alone. Some of you people are quite important to me, you have helped me along the way. I would hate to lose you. I will still be the same old Plume, only in a new location.

I have been writing in here since August 2000. 1856 entries. It's very odd to leave. I was actually thinking of buying a gold membership here. But Diaryland isn't what it used to be. I can't even get a reply from Andrew anymore. Don't get me wrong, I still love this place. Just because I have my own domain I'm not going to be one those who who look down on diarylanders. I believe the important thing is what a person writes, not where they write. I'll still suck as much on as I did here. Haha.

That was a joke.

Fine, don't laugh.

Anyway, there is no real point in drawing this out. I have loved my stay at Diaryland. My life has changed so much since I began writing here. And Diaryland has been a part of the progress. I will always love you, dear dland.

Now onwards!


("If you are reading this, the new database servers are extra-loaded and you'll have to wait a minute and try again. Sorry about that, but...")

back and forth


weeet spiffy weeet
try to understand
the ones I love and their demands
so unfair when they can't see
that I'm the boy who really needs

your love i suppose

I just want peace
to be free at last

you can watch me bleed